Inpatient Nutrition Services:
Physician Consultation, Critical Nutrition, Malnutrition, Nasogastric Tube Feeding, Obesity (BMI≧30) Dietary Counseling, Nutrition Support, and Health Education.


Inpatient Meal Options:
• Regular Diet: Offering options of regular rice or congee.
• Therapeutic Diet: Providing diets for conditions like diabetes, hypertension, gout, kidney disease, hyperlipidemia, etc.
• Soft Diet: Soft foods are finely chopped and require minimal chewing.
• Pureed Diet: Soft foods are blended into a smooth consistency to prevent choking and aid in swallowing.
• Semi-Liquid Diet: Solid foods are minced, finely processed, and mixed with soup or liquid for easy swallowing without significant chewing. Suitable for long-term use.
• Full-Liquid Diet: Consists of liquid foods that are non-irritating, low in fiber, easy to digest, and nutritionally balanced.
• Tube Feeding: Providing nutrition support for patients with nasogastric tubes.